December 31, 2024

4sight Health Roundup Podcast Wrap-Up
Top Podcasts of 2024
This year’s 4sight Health Roundup podcast had both David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson talking about everything from industry-shaking acquisitions to debates on patient safety, with added stats and moderation from David Burda. Whether you listen one by one or binge the full playlist on Spotify, these episodes from 2024 are essential for understanding the forces impacting U.S. healthcare.
What’s the Payoff from General Catalyst’s Big Gamble?
At the beginning of 2024, David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson debated what’s at stake for the participants and the industry from General Catalysts’s proposed acquisition and conversion of Summa Health. Did things play out the way they were predicted? Listen.
A Big Test for Behavioral Health Integration
In this episode, the conversation is focused on how Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to demonstrate the value of integrating behavioral health services with physical health services for patients with mental health conditions or substance abuse disorders. What will it take to work? Listen.
Lessons Learned from the Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack
In early 2024, a ransomware attack on Change Healthcare sent shockwaves through the industry. What lessons did healthcare learn to avoid being victimized at that scale again? Listen.
Private Equity in Healthcare: Con Man or Straw Man?
It’s trendy to hate on private equity acquisitions and ownership in healthcare. Is it justified? Will bad facts make bad law? Listen.
Improving Patient Safety Is a Team Sport
Surgical errors, patient identification errors, medication errors, falls, and healthcare-associated infections — the list of patient safety risks and hazards is getting longer. What will it take to make care as safe as possible for patients? Listen.
The Irrationality of Physician Compensation
On this episode, David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson break down three new reports on physician compensation and explain why we need to change how we pay doctors. Listen.
More Healthcare Competition Through Better Healthcare Antitrust Enforcement
Does antitrust enforcement boost competition? That’s the theory behind a flurry of federal healthcare antitrust enforcement moves in 2024. Listen.
Eight Trends Shaping the Current Healthcare System
In this episode, David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson critique the 2024 report from Trilliant Health on the eight trends shaping the current healthcare system. Will these trends hold? Listen.
Should We or Should We Not Tax Not-for-Profit Hospitals?
Should we tax not-for-profit hospitals? David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson debate the value of tax exemptions for not-for-profit hospitals and health systems in light of two fall 2024 reports on the value of community benefits provided by tax-exempt hospitals and health systems. Listen.
Searching for Signs that the Healthcare Market is Tipping Toward the Customer
Is the healthcare market finally leaning toward serving the customer rather than incumbent healthcare stakeholders? David W. Johnson and Julie Murchinson talked about some hopeful signs on this episode. Listen.