January 17, 2023

Burda on Healthcare: 2022 Collection
In case you didn’t know, 4sight Health’s David Burda has covered healthcare as a reporter, editor and writer for nearly 40 years. He has the collective knowledge you can only get from someone who has followed the industry for that long. That’s why watching his reporting is the smartest thing you can do — he does the work so you don’t have to.
Is Value-Based Reimbursement Mostly Dead or Slightly Alive?
Is there any faith for a full recovery for value-based reimbursement (VBR)? Here’s a rundown of five recent status reports that suggest VBR is slightly alive. More.
Provider, Know Thy Customer
Here are five recent surveys of healthcare consumers that tell you a few things you should probably know. More.
I’d Like Some Interoperability with My Value-Based Care, Please
It should come as no surprise, then, that two things that I thought went together in healthcare — value-based care and interoperability — don’t really, at least not yet, according to a recently published study in JAMA Health Forum. More.
Don’t Hate Me Because I Love Prior Authorization
Doctors don’t like people checking their work any more than most kids like vegetables but like it or not, prior authorization is good for us. More.
10 Things I Didn’t Know About Drugs and Drug Prices
Are today’s chart-topping meds designed for the head, the heart or the blood? Learn that plus 9 facts about drugs and drug prices from 4sight Health’s David Burda. More.
Do You Speak Healthcare?
Acronyms and loaded language put patients on the defensive. 4sight Health’s David Burda looks at linguistics in healthcare in this in-depth column. More.
What I Did on My Digital Health Vacation
In today’s column 4sight Health’s David Burda talks about automatic scheduling, chatbots and where we are in healthcare’s high-tech digital transformation. More.
I Think Your Personal Health Information Alarm Is Going Off
4sight Health columnist David Burda looks at privacy policies related to virtual healthcare as tech giants Apple and Amazon expand in the industry. More.
Health System Capacity Problems Hit Home
Have you been waiting long? 4sight Health’s David Burda looks at wait times, shipping delays and booked-out appointment times frustrating patients today. More.
For Authorized Payers Only: A College Tuition Statement’s Guide to the Healthcare System
College students can opt in or out of medical coverage in their tuition costs but in David Burda’s experience the paperwork is a masterpiece of obfuscation. More.
10 Things Doctors Think
4sight Health’s David Burda uses his monthly column to break out 10 things doctors think based on five new reports, research and surveys. More.
Five Healthcare Lessons for Employers if They Read to the Bottom
It’s open enrollment season in healthcare and 4sight Health’s David Burda has some important takeaways for those providing healthcare for employees. More.