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Podcast: It’s Customers Versus Providers Over the Patient Experience 11/10/22
Avoiding One-Star Reviews Consumers know what they want, but can providers give it to them? We talked about… Read More
By November 10, 2022
Medicare Advantage Markets Are More or Less Competitive
If you read the headline of this blog post in the form of a question, the answer, I… Read More
By November 9, 2022
Rewiring Healthcare’s Smartest Professionals (Hint: It’s Not Physicians)
I won’t keep you in suspense. Healthcare’s smartest professionals are the tens of thousands of individuals who populate… Read More
By November 3, 2022
Home Is Where the Healing Happens: Uniting Medicare Advantage Payers and Providers to Create Value
Payers and providers are directing an increasing proportion of Medicare and Medicare Advantage (MA) patients into home health… Read More
By and October 25, 2022
System Dynamics
Podcast: Wither Reproductive Services and Maternity Care? 10/13/22
Access to reproductive services and maternity care is dwindling in the U.S. What’s behind it? And how can… Read More
By October 13, 2022
Eisenhower’s Nightmare: A Massive and Malignant Healthcare Industrial Complex®
After leading the Allies to victory in World War II and serving eight years as president, Dwight D…. Read More
By and September 27, 2022
Past, Present and Future: Where Are Doctors Headed?
Physicians, not websites, are the front doors to the healthcare system. Whether the healthcare system moves back, forward… Read More
By September 20, 2022
Consumers Leaning Left on Healthcare
Traditionally, in politics, when you wanted to sling mud at an opponent during a campaign, you’d accuse him… Read More
By September 14, 2022
Podcast: What Healthcare News Changed the Game This Week? 9/9/22
Healthcare Predictions We talked about three big stories this week and predicted which one will affect the healthcare… Read More
By September 9, 2022
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