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Burda on Healthcare: Do You Speak Healthcare?
Every profession, industry and field of interest has its own language — a dictionary filled with words and… Read More
By June 21, 2022
Fixing America’s Aching Backs, Bones and Joints: Orthopedic Care in the Digital Health Era
Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries constitute the fastest-growing disease category in the United States. More than half of all Americans… Read More
By and June 16, 2022
4-Min 4sight: Musculoskeletal and Muscle Injuries
Low-cost, consumer-friendly digital MSK companies have the potential to become the primary channels for determining which patients receive… Read More
By and June 16, 2022
Healthcare Progress Is In the Eye of the C-Suite Survey Respondent
With a little extra effort, you always can find something revealing in surveys of healthcare executives, even when… Read More
By June 15, 2022
Chadwick Annual Synthesis: Executive Summary June 2022 Citi/AHA/HFMA NFP Investor Conference
<< Download the PDF for the full report.  Citi, The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Healthcare Financial… Read More
By June 14, 2022
Want Clinical AI to Work in Healthcare? Start with Patient Education and Experiences
Most of our assumptions about artificial intelligence in healthcare come from surveys conducted by healthcare technology consulting firms… Read More
By June 8, 2022
Social Determinants of Health: 7 Revolutionary Ideas on 4sight Health
4sight Health tracks people putting revolutionary thought into addressing social determinants of health and making people’s lives better,… Read More
By May 31, 2022
That Giant Sucking Sound: Lost Patient Volume
As health systems report their earnings for the first quarter of 2022, the red ink is flowing in… Read More
By May 26, 2022
Just Not That Into You (Price Transparency Rule)
By now, we all know that hospitals’ level of compliance with the new price transparency rule would not… Read More
By May 18, 2022
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