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What Healthcare AI Adoption and the Old Kiddieland Amusement Park Have in Common
Exactly one year ago, I wrote a column called “How Can Healthcare Avoid Screwing Up AI’s Potential?” A lot… Read More
By March 4, 2021
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Healthcare’s Incentives and Disincentives to Make Care More Affordable, 2/26/21
Healthcare’s Incentives and Disincentives to Make Care More Affordable Competition? Transparency? Regulation? Reimbursement? We talked about what works… Read More
By February 26, 2021
Hogan’s Texas Heroes Taken by Storm
A legendary Defense Department “Whiz Kid” taught my Analytic Methods class at Harvard Kennedy School. Professor Bill Hogan’s… Read More
By February 25, 2021
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, What’s Behind Healthcare’s Mask Problem?, 2/12/21
What’s Behind Healthcare’s Mask Problem? Not enough masks. Too many masks. Fake masks. Double masking. We tried to… Read More
By February 12, 2021
Take That Cheese! Julie Murchinson Interviews Dynamic Women Leading Healthcare in Dynamic Times
Welcome 4sight Health’s newest influencer, Julie Murchinson. Julie has unmatched expertise in healthcare tech and innovation as well… Read More
By February 11, 2021
What Kind of Doctors Do We Have in the House?
My wife and I have become addicted to long-running network dramas from the early 2000s. First there was… Read More
By February 9, 2021
We Have an Immediate Opening for Someone Who Can Re-Invent Rural Healthcare
I’ve been covering healthcare for nearly 40 years now as a reporter, editor and writer, and there are… Read More
By February 8, 2021
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Opening Healthcare’s Digital Front Door to Everyone, 2/5/21
Opening Healthcare’s Digital Front Door to Everyone What accessibility lessons did we learn from patients’ use of virtual… Read More
By February 5, 2021
Snowstorms & Apple Watch Insanity
Almost three times as much snow has landed on Chicago the last 10 days than the rest of… Read More
By February 2, 2021
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