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A GPS for Cardiac Arrest: In Life-or-Death Moments Clinical Apps Save Lives
Resuscitating Your Patients and Building Your Clinical Reputation The plane is in a nosedive. The sweating pilot is… Read More
By and June 5, 2019
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Hitting a Wall on EHR Interoperability, Patient Access
You know that moment when you “hit the wall” when you’re running a marathon? I don’t. But, I’m… Read More
By May 29, 2019
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What Fish and Colonoscopies Have in Common
By now you know you should never order fish at a restaurant on a Monday. That’s because the… Read More
By May 23, 2019
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The Deep State of Physician Prescribing Patterns
And you thought changing patients’ health behaviors was going to be hard. Try changing physicians’ drug prescribing patterns…. Read More
By May 9, 2019
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An Unbearable Burden (Part 2): Wide Variations in State Health Insurance Costs
The Healthcare Affordability Index (Index) is a simple and powerful metric for assessing the impact of rising healthcare… Read More
By May 7, 2019
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Why Millennials May Be Pushing Us Off a Healthcare Cliff
I’m not sure that US millennials are going to have a happy ending when it comes to their… Read More
By May 2, 2019
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Death by Healthcare Knockoff
Knockoffs usually aren’t as good as the originals, whether they’re golf clubs, purses or pressure cookers. A new… Read More
By April 25, 2019
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Let’s Get Real: Medicare for All Can’t Work, but Affordable Health Insurance for All Can
As it has in the last three presidential elections, healthcare is emerging as a decisive political issue in… Read More
By April 24, 2019
How to Improve Patient Satisfaction with Transparent Payment Systems
American healthcare patients are demanding more price transparency, affordable services and quality care. Why are they not receiving… Read More
By April 12, 2019
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