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The Rising Cost of Family Coverage Is No Joke
You might have heard about this on the news. A new study is out that says employer-sponsored health… Read More
By August 1, 2019
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There’s No O (outcomes) in ACO
Medicare accountable care organizations say they’re doing a lot to manage and coordinate the care of sick beneficiaries…. Read More
By July 24, 2019
The Future of Liberated Data in Medicine
Digitization and globalization of medical knowledge will double every 73 days by 2020.[1] When a patient enters an… Read More
By July 22, 2019
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4sight Friday: Staffing Healthcare’s Future | Aligning SDOH and Reimbursement | Mandating Effective Clinical Practices
  Read 07/19/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By July 19, 2019
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System Dynamics
Repositioning Temporary Staffing Services: Meeting Healthcare’s Strategic (and More Permanent) Need for Labor Flexibility
American workers increasingly wear scrubs, not overalls or store uniforms.(1) In late 2017, healthcare surpassed manufacturing and retail… Read More
By July 17, 2019
How to Use Social Determinants of Health to Fix Reimbursements
Healthcare providers can no longer ignore the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) in the exam room. Even John… Read More
By July 15, 2019
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4sight Friday: What Healthcare Revolutionaries Read | Not-for-Profit Hospitals and Taxes | Healthcare Innovation Takes Many Forms
  Read 07/12/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By July 12, 2019
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Should Hospitals Pay Taxes?
Many health systems and hospitals operate as Not-for-Profit (NFP), mission-oriented organizations that do not pay sales, excise, property… Read More
By July 8, 2019
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Pets versus Babies: Who Offers More Health Benefits at Work?
Everyone, including me, is always on employers to do more to improve the healthcare system in the U.S. … Read More
By July 2, 2019
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