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SONG: Imagine (No JP Morgan)
To the tune of “Imagine” by John Lennon and Yoko Ono Imagine no JP Morgan It’s easy if… Read More
By and January 13, 2021
How Sticky Is Telemedicine? – Burda on Healthcare
Until I got into content marketing at a previous job, the word “sticky” had a negative connotation. As… Read More
By January 12, 2021
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, For Haven’s Sake, 1/8/21
For Haven’s Sake The week of 2021 saw the demise of Haven and the announcement of three multibillion… Read More
By January 8, 2021
The 10 Most-Read 4sight Health Articles for 2020
History forever will remember 2020 as the year that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the U.S. healthcare system to… Read More
By December 30, 2020
The Worst and Best of Times: Perspectives from Cain Brothers’ Healthcare 2020 Virtual Conference
2020 has been a year like no other. Investors in U.S. healthcare have navigated remarkable economic and societal… Read More
By and December 21, 2020
Master of Influence: The “Notorious R.G.B.” Used Persuasion to Advance Equality
Key Takeaways Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became a master of influence by being strategic, patient and understanding persuasion…. Read More
By December 18, 2020
More on COVID-19 and Healthcare Consumerism
Something is awakening in patients that access, cost and quality challenges couldn’t but the threat of a deadly… Read More
By December 16, 2020
The Market Response to the Building COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis – Burda on Healthcare
So far, my immediate family and I have dodged the coronavirus. With a wife who is a nurse,… Read More
By December 3, 2020
Patient Safety Made Simple
Some ideas are so simple yet so brilliant that your reaction is “why didn’t I think of that!”… Read More
By December 1, 2020
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