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academic medicine partners 
Darwinian Outsourcing: Big Pharma Adapts to Market Realities
by Kristin Carey and David W. Johnson Competitive markets drive innovations in business efficiency and strategy. Twenty-five years… Read More
By and April 3, 2017
Scaling Healthcare’s Mt. Everest: Peak Performers Engage Technology and Consumers
Climbing the highest mountains requires organization, preparation and strategy. Scaling Mt. Everest is a full-scale expedition. Large teams… Read More
By and March 7, 2017
ZDogg Speaks: Rebooting Primary Care (The Unedited Version)
For the better part of a decade, I practiced inpatient hospital medicine at a large academic center (the… Read More
By February 20, 2017
Moving at the Speed of Medicine: Turbo-Charging Performance with Strategic Partnerships
Insourcing is a time-honored practice employed by market-dominant companies. Rather than contract with external experts, companies dedicate internal… Read More
By and February 6, 2017
Mile High Potential: NFL Veterans Tackle America’s Opioid Crisis
Professional football has long since surpassed baseball as America’s most popular sport. The NFL’s Super Bowl is a… Read More
By and January 9, 2017
System Dynamics
Behavioral Health Goes Local: The Emergence of Integrated, Community-Based Services
by Todd Rudsenske and David W. Johnson From addiction to depression to psychosis, mental illness exacts a growing… Read More
By November 29, 2016
HealthCare.Gov’s Death-Defying 2013 Launch: Implications for Government-Led Payment Reform
Enrollment for purchasing health insurance on public health exchanges began November 1st. Headlines for this fourth enrollment period… Read More
By November 9, 2016
medicine and health
Medtech in the Fast Lane: Embracing Services, Solutions and Consumerism
by Rafe Hanahan and David W. Johnson Manufacturing built America. The iconic automotive industry epitomizes this organic relationship… Read More
By October 12, 2016
transforming american healthcare
What Would Einstein Do? Embedded Dilemmas in Disrupting Markets
Earlier this month, Ford CEO Mark Fields made two head-scratching announcements to advance transportation services in San Francisco…. Read More
By September 26, 2016
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