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Burda on Healthcare: Healthcare’s Failure to Communicate
On Aug. 24, 2022, I got my first in a series of two shingles vaccines. It’s something you… Read More
By March 30, 2023
The Real Reason Insurance Companies Won’t Pay for That Breakthrough Drug
The answer to the question posed in the headline is money. Health insurers don’t want to pay for… Read More
By March 29, 2023
Steve Klasko is Feelin’ Alright
In the summer of 2022, Steve Klasko asked me to write a preface for “Feelin’ Alright,” his book… Read More
By March 23, 2023
Podcast: Overdue Medical Bills and Credit Scores 3/23/23
How much do patients owe, who do they owe it to, who’s trying to collect it and how… Read More
By March 23, 2023
Hospitals Posted Record Profit Margins?
To answer the question in the headline, which I haven’t seen anywhere yet, is yes. Yes they did…. Read More
By March 22, 2023
Confessions of a Former Chief Strategy Officer (Part 1)
Editor’s note: This is Part 1 in a series on strategy in healthcare. Read Part 2 here.  When… Read More
By March 21, 2023
System Dynamics
Reimagining Healthcare Staffing: Partnership-Focused, Data-Informed, Nurse-Centric
In 2006, Warren Buffett quipped that, “GM is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.”… Read More
By March 16, 2023
Delivery Failures and Nursing Burden (Part 1): It’s Worse Than You Think
This is Part 1 of a series on nursing burdens. In the follow-up piece, 4sight Health’s David W…. Read More
By and March 2, 2023
Podcast: Time to Break the Primary Care Mold 3/2/23
A spate of reports on primary care all point to the failures of the current primary care system… Read More
By March 2, 2023
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