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Mary Brady’s Nursing Home Story: It’s Personal
Tuesday’s Dispatch featured the New York Times devastating investigative report on corruption, malfeasance and failed government oversight in nursing… Read More
By April 1, 2021
COVID, Convenience and Consumerism
I’ll say it again. I’ll probably keep saying it because I think I’m right. One of the silver… Read More
By March 31, 2021
The Sorry State of Nursing Home Star Ratings
Patient Safety Awareness Week was March 14th-20th. On cue, the New York Times released a major investigative report… Read More
By March 28, 2021
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4sight Friday | Meet Healthcare Revolutionary Thompson Aderinkomi | The Gospel of Scientific Wellness | From Amazon to Grand Rounds to Ginger
Read 3/26/2021 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By March 26, 2021
Pandemic Threats to Patient Safety
ECRI’s latest annual list of the top 10 patient safety concerns got a lot of attention when it… Read More
By March 24, 2021
The Science of Wellness
America was sick before COVID-19 struck. The pandemic has made our national sickness more acute and illustrated the… Read More
By March 23, 2021
Getting Scientific About Wellness: Introducing Lee Hood
Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love…. Read More
By March 23, 2021
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4sight Friday | Tales from the Vaccine Lines | The Continuing Interoperability Slog | Nursing Homes Seeing Stars
Read 3/19/2021 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By March 19, 2021
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Buyer Beware? How About Patient Beware, 3/19/21
Buyer Beware? How About Patient Beware We marked Patient Safety Awareness Week on today’s episode of the 4sight… Read More
By March 19, 2021
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