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The Market Response to the Building COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis – Burda on Healthcare
So far, my immediate family and I have dodged the coronavirus. With a wife who is a nurse,… Read More
By December 3, 2020
Patient Safety Made Simple
Some ideas are so simple yet so brilliant that your reaction is “why didn’t I think of that!”… Read More
By December 1, 2020
ALL SONGS from Our Troubadour, John Zam
John Zam, our resident troubadour, performs songs with David Johnson’s lyrics. Take a listen!  David Johnson, CEO of… Read More
By and December 1, 2020
On The Verge of A Vaccine: How to Encourage Wide Acceptance
The world is on the verge of available COVID-19 vaccines. How can we encourage people to take a… Read More
By November 18, 2020
Time Poverty: A Growing Stress for Modern Society
I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. No time to say hello, good-bye, I’m late, I’m… Read More
By November 11, 2020
Why COVID’s a Win-Win-Win for Health Insurers
Every once in a while something comes along that reaffirms your belief that healthcare is an industry like… Read More
By October 27, 2020
What’s Your State of Health?
As I watch COVID-19 cases ebb and flow around the country over the past eight months, I wonder… Read More
By October 13, 2020
The Impact and Cost of Gun Violence: A Plan To Help
Sadly, gun violence continues to plague America. The statistics are brutal—nearly 40,000 people die from gunshots, in addition… Read More
By October 8, 2020
America’s Frayed Safety Net Undermines Improved Primary Care
Key Takeaways Many high-cost Medicare and Medicaid patients suffer from multiple chronic conditions that have been poorly treated… Read More
By October 7, 2020
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