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The Pandemic Has Been Very Very Good to Rural Hospitals
I’m not much for government bailouts of businesses. Businesses fail for reasons I don’t want to reward with… Read More
By April 20, 2022
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup and Bills, Bills, Bills 4/15/22
How Do We Repair Our Damaged Public Health System? Taxes, tax exemptions, charity care and medical debt. It’s… Read More
By April 15, 2022
When Being More Efficient Produces Better Outcomes
Years ago, in a publishing galaxy far, far away, the healthcare business publication that I worked for as… Read More
By April 13, 2022
Paying for Outcomes: Five Revolutionary Reimbursement Stories on 4sight Health
If outcomes matter, why aren’t we paying for them? It’s a question we at 4sight Health ask every… Read More
By April 12, 2022
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, How Do We Repair Our Damaged Public Health System? 4/8/22
How Do We Repair Our Damaged Public Health System? Pandemic politics have taken their toll on our public… Read More
By April 8, 2022
Shedding a Tear for Physician Billing Hassles
Self-employed people — like many freelance healthcare writers, producers, designers and public relations professionals I know and/or work… Read More
By April 6, 2022
David Johnson’s 2021 HLTH Executive Summary in “Bullet-Point” Journalism
Nobody generates content and creates eye-popping graphics like HLTH. No healthcare business publication synthesizes, opines and writes like… Read More
By March 31, 2022
Don’t Hate Me Because I Love Prior Authorization
Healthcare providers, especially physicians, detest prior authorization requirements dictated by payers, especially health insurance companies. I totally get… Read More
By March 29, 2022
System Dynamics
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Healthcare Affordability, Medical Debt and Cancer Costs, 3/25/22
Why Medical Debt is Different  Affordability is in the news again as three credit reporting agencies make a… Read More
By March 25, 2022
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