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The Costly Lever of Prior Authorization
The long-running debate over prior authorization (PA) typically is framed around patient care. PA delays or denials prevent… Read More
By February 14, 2024
Price Transparency? I Don’t Know About That
One of my all-time favorite Saturday Night Live sketches is this one about a voice-activated personal assistant for… Read More
By February 7, 2024
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4sight Friday | February 2, 2024
Experimenting with Behavioral Health Integration | Interpreting All These Healthcare A.I. Surveys | Drugs, Drug Prices and Drug… Read More
By February 2, 2024
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4sight Friday | January 26, 2024
Decimating Primary Care | Doing the Telemedicine Dance | Unsolicited Advice for General Catalyst Read the 1/26/2024 Edition… Read More
By January 26, 2024
Podcast: What’s the Payoff From General Catalyst’s Big Gamble? 1/25/24
What’s at stake for the players and the industry from General Catalyst’s proposed acquisition and conversion of Summa… Read More
By January 25, 2024
Podcast: ACA Enrollment and Digital Health Technology Funding 1/18/24
One’s up. One’s down. We talked about what these trends mean for the industry and for healthcare consumers… Read More
By January 18, 2024
Less Healthcare Fraud or Less Healthcare Fraud Detection?
Nearly a year ago, I missed a big story. Every February, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) releases an… Read More
By January 10, 2024
The Primary Care Prescription (Part 1): Putting Patients and Physicians First
This is Part 1 in a two-part series. Imagine U.S. healthcare like a vast network of waterways, each… Read More
By and January 9, 2024
Medicare Advantage Is a Burst Pipe
If you live in the Upper Plains, Midwest or Northeast, you worry about frozen pipes during the winter…. Read More
By December 27, 2023
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