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Healthcare Worker Flu Vaccine Rates Offer a Lesson in Self-Policing
Short of making flu shots mandatory for healthcare workers, healthcare employers need to do much more to immunize… Read More
By October 2, 2018
Market Corner Conversations: Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago economist, joins David Johnson to discuss the key components of capitalism that encourage… Read More
By September 27, 2018
DIY Hospital Ratings: Do Your Stars Align for What’s Most Important to Patients? – Burda on Healthcare
What’s the most important thing to you when you or a family member has to go to the… Read More
By September 26, 2018
Black-white Tornado
Against the Wind: Hospitals Challenge CMS’s Pro-Market Payment Reforms
Over the past month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several pro-market policies that will enhance pricing… Read More
By August 22, 2018
Pool Balls Break
Kentucky HEALTH and Medicaid Work Requirements: A Behavioral Economics Lens Sheds Light
On Friday, June 29, near the zero hour, a federal judge ruled [1] that Kentucky’s Medicaid waiver approved… Read More
By August 1, 2018
CMS Misdirection: Two Troubling Decisions Damage Market Competitiveness
In well-functioning healthcare markets, governmental regulatory policies ensure access, safety, quality and privacy. The government’s most important role… Read More
By July 25, 2018
Pro-Market and Pro-Business: Not Always the Same, Particularly in Healthcare
Shortly after publishing Market vs. Medicine: America’s Epic Fight for Better, Affordable Healthcare in June 2016, I met with my… Read More
By June 6, 2018
Is Tax-Exemption Necessary? Enlightened Health Systems Should Consider the Unthinkable
 In the mid-1800s, English philosopher and political economist John Stuart Mill developed “Utilitarianism,” a framework for making moral… Read More
By and January 17, 2018
Honey vs. Vinegar: Value-Based Pricing Wins Customers and Market-Share
Common wisdom holds that “it’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar.” That aphorism also applies to… Read More
By and November 29, 2017
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