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Taxing Consequences: House Republicans Target Tax-Exempt Hospital Bonds
Market Corner Commentary for November 21, 2017 Having failed to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, House… Read More
By November 20, 2017
Capitalizing on Comprehensive Care: Cultivating a Medicare Advantage Mindset
This paper is Part 3 in our series on payment reform. After highlighting various efforts to reign in… Read More
By and November 15, 2017
Crony Capitalism Has Consequences: Opioid Distribution, Destruction and Death
Market Corner Commentary for October 25, 2017 – Special Edition Talk about bombshells. On October 15th, the Washington… Read More
By November 3, 2017
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Market Corner Conversations: Rick Kimball, NFL & Medical Marijuana
In Episode 3 of Market Corner Conversations, Dave Johnson speaks with Rick Kimball about their commentary Mile High Potential:… Read More
By October 30, 2017
Senate Republicans Confront Their Healthcare Waterloo: Now What?
Last weekend Senators Jerry Moran of Kansas and Mike Lee of Utah announced they could not support Speaker… Read More
By July 31, 2017
Forming a More Perfect Health System: Senate Republicans Confront Their Policy Demons
Senator Mitch McConnell is the most effective Senate Majority Leader since Lyndon Johnson. A tactical maestro, McConnell faces… Read More
By July 5, 2017
best health policy
“Indumbent” Healthcare Thinking: Prices Don’t Matter
In a March 29th New York Times article, author Elizabeth Rosenthal chronicles America’s dystopian system for coding and… Read More
By April 17, 2017
venture capital fund 
Trumpian Healthcare Reform: A “Silver Linings” Legislative Playbook
Special Edition: Market Corner Commentary for March 29, 2017 Last Friday was supposed to be the shootout at… Read More
By March 28, 2017
The Rise and Fall of Academic Medicine: AMC Competitiveness in Post-Reform Healthcare
Rome wasn’t built in a day and didn’t collapse overnight. After centuries of growth, prosperity and domination, the… Read More
By and December 12, 2016
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