System Dynamics

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System Dynamics
The Medical Debt Pyramid Scheme
I like to gamble. My favorite game of chance is craps, and my favorite place to play craps… Read More
By June 14, 2023
System Dynamics
Podcast: Should Nurses Stay or Should They Go? 6/8/23
Two new reports offer a fresh perspective on why the industry is experiencing a nursing shortage. Are employers… Read More
By June 8, 2023
Healthcare Savings — Lies and Punchlines
Healthcare executives always lie about why they did what they did, whether what they did is a merger,… Read More
By June 7, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Cry Poor and Prosper
If Compensation Is a Sign of an Industry’s Health, Healthcare Is Immortal. When I was a cub healthcare… Read More
By June 6, 2023
How Big is the Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Business? You Tell Us.
In November 2022, I published an article in HFM Magazine with the provocative title “Rewiring Healthcare’s Smartest Professionals… Read More
By May 30, 2023
Podcast: Where Did Your Protected Health Information Go? 5/25/23
If it was stolen from your digital health app or connected medical device, the FTC has an answer… Read More
By May 25, 2023
3 Things We Lose When AI-Powered Chatbots Answer Our Medical Questions
I’ve never used a dating app — not even to research a story — but based on ads… Read More
By May 24, 2023
Hospital-Based Cardiologists Are Putting More Than Just Their Hearts Into It
Thirty or so years ago, I experienced chest pain after doing some strenuous yard work. I was using… Read More
By May 17, 2023
System Dynamics
Delivery Failures and Nursing Burden (Part 2): Advanced Logistics to the Rescue
This is Part 2 of a series on nursing burdens in healthcare. Part 1 looks at ways healthcare… Read More
By and May 16, 2023
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