4-Minute 4sight

Highlights from longer 4sight Health commentaries.

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Healthcare Hypocrisy
This month’s song is our riff on Joe South’s 1969 megahit “Games People Play.” It’s a song about… Read More
By May 25, 2021
Healthy Multipliers
At 4sight Health, we have never liked the phrase “social determinants of health.” Its meaning is not self-evident,… Read More
By May 20, 2021
The Biden Administration’s “Hesitation” on Value-Based Payment Reform
I listened to Jessie Colin Young’s “Miss Hesitation” nonstop during my first year in college. The song narrates the… Read More
By May 4, 2021
Patient Search Thyself
Yeah, we’ve seen the office signs and coffee mugs. Don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree…. Read More
By April 14, 2021
Anti-Vaxxer Minds
President Nixon and Elvis Presley in the Oval Office on December 21, 1970  Photo: Ollie Atkins via National… Read More
By April 13, 2021
The 10 Most-Read 4sight Health Articles for 2020
History forever will remember 2020 as the year that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the U.S. healthcare system to… Read More
By December 30, 2020
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What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Read This Year: The Top 5 Commentaries on 4sightHealth.com for 2019
Here at 4sight Health, we like to call it like it is. We see and throw a flag… Read More
By December 19, 2019
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What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Are Reading: The Top 5 4sight Health Commentaries Over the Past Six Months
4sight Health’s writers and authors have published 57 blog posts, commentaries, podcasts and videos on 4sighthealth.com from January… Read More
By October 14, 2019
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