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The Earth Is Sicker, and So Are We: Environmental Change and Worsening Health
“Evolution had left humans ill-suited for their modern environment.” —Barton Child, MD The environment has a profound effect… Read More
By March 11, 2021
Pandemic Problem Solving: COVID Couldn’t Defeat Virtua’s Supply Chain. It Made It Stronger
An Interview with Bill Christie, AVP Support Services The pandemic tested the supply chain at Virtua Health like… Read More
By March 9, 2021
Rethinking COVID-19 and Healthcare Consumerism
One of my working theories is that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated healthcare consumerism as peoples’ fear of… Read More
By March 8, 2021
What Healthcare AI Adoption and the Old Kiddieland Amusement Park Have in Common
Exactly one year ago, I wrote a column called “How Can Healthcare Avoid Screwing Up AI’s Potential?” A lot… Read More
By March 4, 2021
The Lost Art of Handwritten Thank You Notes
A simple thing I learned young continues to shape my life. It will shape yours also. I write… Read More
By March 2, 2021
Can Competition Save Us from Higher Healthcare Prices?
In properly functioning markets, competition reduces prices and improves the quality of products and services. The dictum applies… Read More
By March 1, 2021
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (A Budget)
The Biden Administration’s top health priorities are COVID and strengthening the Affordable Care Act. The initial flurry of… Read More
By February 25, 2021
The Many Flavors of Healthcare’s Not-For-Profit/For-Profit Partnerships
With valuations soaring, the market for acquisitions and consolidations has become costly and competitive. As a result, some… Read More
By and February 23, 2021
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After Learning the Hard Way on Obamacare, Biden Is Ready to Tackle COVID-19
On day two in office, President Biden signed 10 executive orders and released a 200-page “National Strategy for… Read More
By February 23, 2021
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