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System Dynamics
David W. Johnson’s Recent Press Mentions
Want to talk to David Johnson about a story you’re doing? Email and we’ll set up a… Read More
By January 4, 2021
COVID-19’s Vexing Biological, Logistical and Political Vaccine Hurdles
Monday, December 14, 2020 will become an auspicious date in American history. The United States recorded its 300,000th… Read More
By December 22, 2020
The Worst and Best of Times: Perspectives from Cain Brothers’ Healthcare 2020 Virtual Conference
2020 has been a year like no other. Investors in U.S. healthcare have navigated remarkable economic and societal… Read More
By and December 21, 2020
Master of Influence: The “Notorious R.G.B.” Used Persuasion to Advance Equality
Key Takeaways Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became a master of influence by being strategic, patient and understanding persuasion…. Read More
By December 18, 2020
Failing at Drug Price Reform
Exactly two months before his term expires, President Trump and the Secretary of Health and Human Services Azar… Read More
By December 17, 2020
More on COVID-19 and Healthcare Consumerism
Something is awakening in patients that access, cost and quality challenges couldn’t but the threat of a deadly… Read More
By December 16, 2020
The Proof Case for Addressing the Negative Social Determinants of Health
Up to half of all premature deaths are preventable by modifying behaviors and exposures that occur in communities.[1]… Read More
By December 8, 2020
The Market Response to the Building COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis – Burda on Healthcare
So far, my immediate family and I have dodged the coronavirus. With a wife who is a nurse,… Read More
By December 3, 2020
The Future of Clinical Trials: Decentralized, Diversified, Efficient and Fast
COVID-19 is the most deadly and confounding world health crisis since the 1918 influenza pandemic which killed as… Read More
By and November 23, 2020
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