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A Stalled Transition: Won’t Derail Biden’s Healthcare Team
A stalled presidential transition in the midst of an unremitting pandemic sounds like a recipe for long-term damage… Read More
By November 19, 2020
On The Verge of A Vaccine: How to Encourage Wide Acceptance
The world is on the verge of available COVID-19 vaccines. How can we encourage people to take a… Read More
By November 18, 2020
Stop Worrying About ACA Repeal (Part B): Concentrate on Game-Changing Interoperability & Transparency Regulations
The Supreme Court began hearings this week regarding the legality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Preliminary indications… Read More
By and November 12, 2020
Time Poverty: A Growing Stress for Modern Society
I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. No time to say hello, good-bye, I’m late, I’m… Read More
By November 11, 2020
32 Ways to Fix Healthcare If You Stop and Take the Time – Burda on Healthcare
As our 24-hour news cycle has shrunk to 24 minutes and, in some cases, 24 seconds, over the… Read More
By November 10, 2020
Stop Worrying About ACA Repeal: It’s Not Going to Happen (Part A)
The 2020 pre-election hysteria regarding the potential demise of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) resembles Chicken Little screaming… Read More
By and October 29, 2020
Why COVID’s a Win-Win-Win for Health Insurers
Every once in a while something comes along that reaffirms your belief that healthcare is an industry like… Read More
By October 27, 2020
Nixon Goes to China: Why Healthcare Leaders Must Learn from History
Long before Détente, one of the boldest foreign policy moves by any president was the establishment of diplomatic… Read More
By October 22, 2020
Curating Knowledge in the Digital Age: Mining Massive Data Sets for Healthcare Insights
In the recent article Healthcare’s Age of Liquid Data, we explored why the healthcare industry must move aggressively… Read More
By and October 20, 2020
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