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What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking? – Burda on Healthcare
I write a lot about what healthcare organizations and companies do, and I make educated guesses on why… Read More
By June 19, 2019
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Regulatory Chess: Positioning for Competitive Advantage
To entrepreneurs, regulation is the enemy of innovation. That’s especially true in healthcare. Experts agree that healthcare is… Read More
By June 7, 2019
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A GPS for Cardiac Arrest: In Life-or-Death Moments Clinical Apps Save Lives
Resuscitating Your Patients and Building Your Clinical Reputation The plane is in a nosedive. The sweating pilot is… Read More
By and June 5, 2019
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Doctors and the Laws of Supply and Demand – Burda on Healthcare
It’s a great time to go to medical school and become a doctor. Ignore all the manufactured angst… Read More
By May 30, 2019
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Getting Urgent about Urgent Care: Health Systems Go Big on Retail
Historically, health systems have delivered acute care services in hospitals and ambulatory facilities. Their business models centralize care… Read More
By and May 21, 2019
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An Unbearable Burden (Part 2): Wide Variations in State Health Insurance Costs
The Healthcare Affordability Index (Index) is a simple and powerful metric for assessing the impact of rising healthcare… Read More
By May 7, 2019
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Death by Healthcare Knockoff
Knockoffs usually aren’t as good as the originals, whether they’re golf clubs, purses or pressure cookers. A new… Read More
By April 25, 2019
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Let’s Get Real: Medicare for All Can’t Work, but Affordable Health Insurance for All Can
As it has in the last three presidential elections, healthcare is emerging as a decisive political issue in… Read More
By April 24, 2019
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This Is a Story About Where Healthcare Regulations Come From – Burda on Healthcare
Healthcare is one of the most if not the most regulated industry in the U.S. While its businesses… Read More
By April 23, 2019
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