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4sight Health is a thought leadership and advisory company working at the intersection of healthcare strategy, economics and innovation.

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Missing the Boat: Why Do Organizations and Communities Persistently Fail at Well-Being and Health?
Creating a Better Future Why do organizations and communities continue experiencing poor outcomes? Is avoiding reality by hoping… Read More
By December 13, 2022
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System Dynamics
4sight Friday | Taxing Time for Not-For-Profits | Are GPOs Monopolistic Middlemen? | Telemedicine Is Dead. Long Live Telemedicine
  Read the 12/9/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find… Read More
By December 9, 2022
Podcast: Telemedicine Tops Diversification, Patient Access Surveys 12/8/22
Telehealth Hurdles Why are health systems finding telemedicine so hard to execute and scale? We talked about it… Read More
By December 8, 2022
Taking Another Swing at Healthcare GPOs
I’m sure nothing will come of it, but it is worth noting that some people (other than me)… Read More
By December 7, 2022
A Taxing Opportunity for Brave Nonprofit Health Systems
Smart nonprofit health systems should pay their local, state and federal taxes as though they were for-profit companies…. Read More
By December 6, 2022
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4sight Friday | 5 Healthcare Lessons for Employers | Health System Diversification Dreams | Conflicting Cancer Care Trends
  Read the 12/2/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find… Read More
By December 2, 2022
Podcast: Cancer Screenings, Cases and Mortality Rates 12/1/22
Mixed Messages  We tried to make sense of the contradictory trends in oncology care and outcomes on the… Read More
By December 1, 2022
Diversification, Health System-Style
Businesses in every industry diversify for economic reasons: to generate new revenue or protect existing revenue. It’s not… Read More
By November 30, 2022
Five Healthcare Lessons for Employers if They Read to the Bottom
As you know, it’s open enrollment season. It’s kind of like hunting season, but in this case you’re… Read More
By November 29, 2022
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