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4sight Friday | December 15, 2024
Can You Regulate More Healthcare Competition | A Model for Revitalizing Innercity Healthcare | Funny Things Patients Say… Read More
By December 15, 2023
Podcast: Can the Government Make Healthcare Markets More Competitive? 12/14/23
When it comes to competition, is there a chance the government can step in to boost competition? That’s… Read More
By December 14, 2023
The Complexity of Medical Bills Rolls Downhill for Consumers
One of my dad’s favorite expressions was, “The shit rolls downhill.” He’d say it a lot when I… Read More
By December 13, 2023
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4sight Friday | December 8, 2023
Anything’s Possible with Dr. Quiroga | Patient Portals and Access Gaps | Seriously, Hospital Infection Rates Went Down… Read More
By December 8, 2023
Podcast: Interpreting Test Results for Patient Access to Electronic Health Information 12/7/23
Three new studies are out on patients’ electronic access to their own medical records through portals and apps…. Read More
By December 7, 2023
Yes, Some Good Patient Safety News
Better check the byline on this blog post. It’s about patient safety improving at hospitals. Yes, I’m the… Read More
By December 6, 2023
Podcast: How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think with Alejandro Quiroga
Podcast: Alejandro Quiroga, M.D., on Thinking Like a Nephrologist Let’s check your kidney functions. That will tell us… Read More
By December 5, 2023
How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think: 10 Questions with Alejandro Quiroga, M.D.
Welcome to the latest installment of 4sight Health’s series, How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think. Our interview series profiles healthcare… Read More
By December 5, 2023
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4sight Friday | December 1, 2023
Sparking APM Provider Participation | The Rocky Road to Value-Based Care | Making the Leap into Full Risk… Read More
By December 1, 2023
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