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System Dynamics
Podcast: Why Are APMs and Full-Risk Contracts Still Too Hot to Handle? 11/30/23
Provider participation in alternative payment models and full-risk contracting is spotty at best. What can we do to… Read More
By November 30, 2023
US Healthcare Continues to Be Risk Averse
“Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome.” —Charles Munger, Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway, who… Read More
By November 29, 2023
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4sight Friday | November 22, 2023
Getting a Grip on Healthcare A.I. | Hating on Prior Authorization Transcends Pandemic | Giving Thanks for Healthcare… Read More
By November 22, 2023
No Pandemic Impact to See Here. Doctors Still Hate Prior Authorization.
With the COVID-19 pandemic largely in our rearview mirror, many health services researchers are doing before-and-after studies. Infection… Read More
By November 21, 2023
Podcast: Can Regulators, Providers and Investors Get a Grip on Healthcare AI? 11/21/23
That’s what we talked about on the new episode of the 4sight Health Roundup podcast as ChatGPT’s one-year… Read More
By November 21, 2023
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4sight Friday | November 17, 2023
Blocking and Tracking Patient Health Information | Was the Great Resignation Really That Bad? | 10 Reasons to… Read More
By November 17, 2023
System Dynamics
Podcast: Patient Information Blocking and Patient Tracking Technologies 11/16/23
Rules, rules, rules. Do some go too far or others not enough to capture and share protected health… Read More
By November 16, 2023
Healthcare’s ‘Good Resignation’
We all know people who always have it worse than you. If you have a lot to rake… Read More
By November 15, 2023
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4sight Friday | November 10, 2023
Circumcising Physician Training | Alternative Payment Models and Cauliflower | Behind the Scenes of American Hospitals Documentary Read… Read More
By November 10, 2023
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