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Burda on Healthcare: Calling a Physician Burnout Timeout
I have no doubt that a lot of physicians are burned out. So are a lot of nurses,… Read More
By September 19, 2023
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4sight Friday | Marcus Whitney Makes Healthcare Entrepreneurs Better | What’s Ahead for AHEAD | Don’t Take the Medicare Advantage Bait
Read the 9/15/2023 Edition here. Subscribe here for weekly access. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor… Read More
By September 15, 2023
Podcast: What’s Ahead for CMS’ New AHEAD Demo? 9/14/23
How will CMS’ all-payer, global-budget demonstration project impact the push for more healthcare value and innovation? We talked… Read More
By September 14, 2023
Medicare Advantage Bait and Switch
I have one quid pro quo in my life: I won’t tell you what to do if you… Read More
By September 13, 2023
Podcast: How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think With Marcus Whitney
Podcast: Marcus Whitney on Waiting Tables and Working with Healthcare Entrepreneurs We all had different jobs before our… Read More
By September 12, 2023
How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think: 10 Questions With Marcus Whitney
Welcome to the latest installment of 4sight Health’s series, How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think. Our interview series profiles healthcare… Read More
By September 12, 2023
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System Dynamics
4sight Friday | Diagnostic Determinism Is Here | The Price of Physician-Hospital Vertical Integration | When Three Vendors Dominate the EHR Market
Read the 9/8/2023 Edition here. Subscribe here for weekly access. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor… Read More
By September 8, 2023
Podcast: EHR Vendors or EHR Vendor? 9/7/23
We looked at the current and future implications for patients and providers of three vendors controlling more than… Read More
By September 7, 2023
The Primary Reason for Physician-Hospital Vertical Integration
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me tens of thousands of times over decades, shame on me…. Read More
By September 6, 2023
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