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4sight Friday | Side Effects of Medicare Negotiating Drug Prices | Healthcare Cyberattacks Get Real | Revolutionaries Write for 4sight Health
Read the 9/1/2023 Edition here. Subscribe here for weekly access. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor… Read More
By September 1, 2023
Podcast: Forecasting the Impact of Medicare Part D Drug Negotiations 8/31/23
Don’t know what to think about the regulatory and competitive implications of Medicare negotiating the prices of 10… Read More
By August 31, 2023
System Dynamics
Healthcare Cyberattacks: Real Money, Real Lives, Real Risks
I’ve never added up the time I spend each day fending off cyberattacks. Listening to and then deleting… Read More
By August 30, 2023
How Healthcare Revolutionaries Think (Monthly Series)
This interview series profiles healthcare instigators who believe that outcomes matter, customers count and value rules. 4sight Health’s… Read More
By August 28, 2023
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4sight Friday | Kickstarting Healthcare Innovation | Making Care Primary Again | Patient Advocacy Organization Infiltration
Read the 8/25/2023 Edition here. Subscribe here for weekly access. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor… Read More
By August 25, 2023
Podcast: Making ‘Making Care Primary’ Work 8/24/23
Critiques of CMS’ new “Making Care Primary” value-based care model are rolling in. We were first. But were… Read More
By August 24, 2023
System Dynamics
Are Patient Advocacy Groups Falling Victim to the Healthcare Industrial Complex®? Of Course They Are.
When we think about the revolving door between influential positions in the federal government and influential positions in… Read More
By August 23, 2023
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4sight Friday | A Hot Chili Paste Healthcare Lesson | Medicine as Food | Hospital CEO Job Security
Read the 8/18/2023 Edition here. Subscribe here for weekly access. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor… Read More
By August 18, 2023
Podcast: Food as Medicine. Medicine as Food. 8/17/23
Nationwide shortages. Off-label use. Filled without an office visit. Billions in savings for insurers. We’re talking about the… Read More
By August 17, 2023
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