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4sight Friday | Health Insurance Competition and Converts | Nasty Patient Portal Messages | 5 Things to Know About Drug Prices
Read the 2/10/2023 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By February 10, 2023
Podcast: Health Insurance Competition and Converts 2/9/23
Record enrollment in ACA plans. A new not-for-profit Blue conversion. What does it all mean for the health… Read More
By February 9, 2023
Five More Things I Didn’t Know About Drugs and Drug Prices
Anytime I write about drug costs or the pharmaceutical industry, I get a handful of emails telling me… Read More
By February 8, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: When Healthcare Sends the Wrong Message
A recent story in the New York Times on hospitals and medical practices charging patients a fee when… Read More
By February 7, 2023
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4sight Friday | Life After the Public Health Emergency | Hospitals’ Interoperability Apathy | What Our Revolutionary Contributors Think
Read the 2/3/2023 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By February 3, 2023
Podcast: Healthcare After the Public Health Emergency 2/3/23
More than three years of expansions, exemptions and suspensions ends in May when the COVID-19 pandemic public health… Read More
By February 2, 2023
Don’t Drink ONC’s Glass-Half-Full Hospital Interoperability Report
Yes, my journalistic skepticism borders on cynicism. But come on already! Nearly 40 percent of hospitals in the… Read More
By February 1, 2023
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4sight Friday | Dental Care Is Healthcare | AI, Chatbots and Healthcare Spending | Walking Healthcare’s Green Mile
Read the 1/27/2023 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By January 27, 2023
Podcast: Did ChatGPT Write This Podcast on AI and Healthcare? 1/26/23
Advanced Technology We talked about AI’s potential to reduce healthcare spending and to improve the patient experience on… Read More
By January 26, 2023
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