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4sight Friday | Learning Healthcare from a Tuition Bill | Leaning Left on Healthcare | What Healthcare CFOs Say They Spend Money On
Read the 9/16/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By September 17, 2022
Podcast: The Spending Habits of Healthcare CFOs 9/16/22
What’s Your Concern Today? What are the spending priorities of healthcare CFOs? Two new surveys give us some… Read More
By September 16, 2022
Consumers Leaning Left on Healthcare
Traditionally, in politics, when you wanted to sling mud at an opponent during a campaign, you’d accuse him… Read More
By September 14, 2022
For Authorized Payers Only: A College Tuition Statement’s Guide to the Healthcare System
Lessons about how the healthcare system in the U.S. really works are everywhere even if you’re not looking… Read More
By September 13, 2022
Podcast: What Healthcare News Changed the Game This Week? 9/9/22
Healthcare Predictions We talked about three big stories this week and predicted which one will affect the healthcare… Read More
By September 9, 2022
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4sight Friday | Mental Health Services in School | Healthcare Capacity Headaches | Uncovering PE’s Healthcare Business Model
Read the 9/9/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By September 9, 2022
Peeling Away at the Private Equity Healthcare Business Model
The debate over private-equity ownership in healthcare really centers around two questions: Will prices for medical care go… Read More
By September 7, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: Health System Capacity Problems Hit Home
I’m superstitious, and I knew it was only a matter of time until a monthly column I wrote… Read More
By September 6, 2022
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4sight Friday | Implementing Healthcare Job Theory | Why Patients’ Shoes Will Never Fit | Pandemic Life and Life Expectancy
Read the 9/2/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By September 2, 2022
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