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You Can Stop Worrying About the ACA Now
With the U.S. Supreme Court today ruling against the latest challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care… Read More
By June 17, 2021
Patient Health Information: Look but Don’t Share
I make my living with words, but actions do speak much louder. Every hospital, health system and medical… Read More
By June 16, 2021
Can’t Get No Satisfaction in Low-Value Medical Care
There’s a lot of finger pointing in healthcare, and most of it, historically, is by hospitals and doctors… Read More
By June 9, 2021
A Needed Reality Check on Seniors’ Use of Telemedicine
I have a mother.  She turns 83 in August. And let me tell you, talking to her over… Read More
By June 2, 2021
Innovation, Not Government Policy, Is the Fix for Pharmacy Deserts
In my western suburb of Chicago, you can walk in any direction and bump into a CVS, Walgreens… Read More
By May 26, 2021
Healthcare Hypocrisy
This month’s song is our riff on Joe South’s 1969 megahit “Games People Play.” It’s a song about… Read More
By May 25, 2021
Healthy Multipliers
At 4sight Health, we have never liked the phrase “social determinants of health.” Its meaning is not self-evident,… Read More
By May 20, 2021
The Biden Administration’s “Hesitation” on Value-Based Payment Reform
I listened to Jessie Colin Young’s “Miss Hesitation” nonstop during my first year in college. The song narrates the… Read More
By May 4, 2021
Patient Search Thyself
Yeah, we’ve seen the office signs and coffee mugs. Don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree…. Read More
By April 14, 2021
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