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Anti-Vaxxer Minds
President Nixon and Elvis Presley in the Oval Office on December 21, 1970  Photo: Ollie Atkins via National… Read More
By April 13, 2021
Relief As Appointments Open Up: Stories of the Vax
More first-person stories from the 4sight Health team regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Into the World Again By Ed… Read More
By , and April 8, 2021
C-Section Connections, Correlations, Causations and Coincidences
Here at 4sight Health, we’re all about the connection between money and results. As we like to say,… Read More
By April 7, 2021
Health Systems Embrace Platforming and Innovative Financing Strategies
In March 2020, we put the finishing touches on a commentary describing innovative capital formation strategies for not-for-profit… Read More
By and April 1, 2021
Mary Brady’s Nursing Home Story: It’s Personal
Tuesday’s Dispatch featured the New York Times devastating investigative report on corruption, malfeasance and failed government oversight in nursing… Read More
By April 1, 2021
COVID, Convenience and Consumerism
I’ll say it again. I’ll probably keep saying it because I think I’m right. One of the silver… Read More
By March 31, 2021
The Sorry State of Nursing Home Star Ratings
Patient Safety Awareness Week was March 14th-20th. On cue, the New York Times released a major investigative report… Read More
By March 28, 2021
Getting Scientific About Wellness: Introducing Lee Hood
Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love…. Read More
By March 23, 2021
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Rotisserie/Fantasy Covid?
In the 1990s, I played in a rotisserie/fantasy baseball league. “Roto” combines sports, statistics, money, competition and trash… Read More
By March 20, 2021
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