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The Market Response to the Building COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis – Burda on Healthcare
So far, my immediate family and I have dodged the coronavirus. With a wife who is a nurse,… Read More
By December 3, 2020
Patient Safety Made Simple
Some ideas are so simple yet so brilliant that your reaction is “why didn’t I think of that!”… Read More
By December 1, 2020
Why We Still Need to Keep Drug Companies on a Short Leash
Drug companies may end up saving us from the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we can take our… Read More
By November 27, 2020
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4sight Friday | Slow Transition, No Problem | Encouraging COVID Vaccine Use | | Corona Virus Consumerism
Read 11/20/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By November 20, 2020
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Pills and Nose Swabs Right to Your Door, 11/20/20
Pills and Nose Swabs Right to Your Door Amazon’s going big on retail pharmacy and the FDA approved… Read More
By November 20, 2020
Why We Need Patient Education to Unleash Healthcare Consumerism
One of my favorite expressions on social media is “today years old.” Posters use it to tell their… Read More
By November 17, 2020
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System Dynamics
4sight Friday | Interoperability and Transparency | 32 Ways to Fix Healthcare | Of Vaccines and Viruses
Read 11/13/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By November 13, 2020
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Vaccines, Task Forces and Surges, 11/13/20
Vaccines, Task Forces and Surges The U.S. is awash in COVID. Will vaccines and task forces turn the… Read More
By November 13, 2020
32 Ways to Fix Healthcare If You Stop and Take the Time – Burda on Healthcare
As our 24-hour news cycle has shrunk to 24 minutes and, in some cases, 24 seconds, over the… Read More
By November 10, 2020
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