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Erasing the Hospital Community Benefit Fudge Factor
Years ago, when life was simpler, I did my own taxes. So did a good friend of mine…. Read More
By November 10, 2020
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Prospects for Post-Election Healthcare Reform, 11/06/20
Prospects for Post-Election Healthcare Reform We talked about all the possible combinations of election results and each scenario’s… Read More
By November 6, 2020
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4sight Friday | Post-Election Healthcare | Disrupting Healthcare | Crowdfunding Medical Care
Read 11/06/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By November 6, 2020
Confirming Suspicions About Why Patients Are Crowdfunding Healthcare
In a recent commentary, David Johnson, founder and CEO of 4sight Health, pointed his finger at medical campaigns on… Read More
By November 2, 2020
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4sight Friday | The ACA Will Be Fine | Payers and Profits | Medicaid’s Future
Read 10/30/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By October 30, 2020
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Checking Medicaid’s Pulse, 10/30/20
Checking Medicaid’s Pulse Where are Medicaid enrollment, expansion and innovation headed because of COVID and after the election?… Read More
By October 30, 2020
Why COVID’s a Win-Win-Win for Health Insurers
Every once in a while something comes along that reaffirms your belief that healthcare is an industry like… Read More
By October 27, 2020
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4sight Friday | Ed Marx on Nixon | Mining Massive Healthcare Data Sets | Health Insurance Consolidation
Read 10/23/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By October 23, 2020
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, What’s Next for Health Systems?, 10/23/20
What’s Next for Health Systems? It’s been an interesting year for the executives who run the nation’s health… Read More
By October 23, 2020
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