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COVID-19 Treatment and Referrals: Are You Kidding Me!
California is on my mind this week. Tuesday’s Dispatch highlighted extreme pricing differences for identical procedures at California… Read More
By February 18, 2021
Hospital Prices: Are You Kidding Me!
Maybe it’s the several feet of snow piling up on our deck that have soured my outlook on… Read More
By February 16, 2021
Medical Schools, Heal Thyselves!
USA Today reports that medical school applications, particularly among Black and Latinx students, are up almost 20% during… Read More
By February 11, 2021
What Kind of Doctors Do We Have in the House?
My wife and I have become addicted to long-running network dramas from the early 2000s. First there was… Read More
By February 9, 2021
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4sight Friday | Inside the Head of a Revolutionary | Opening the Digital Front Door Wider | The Debut of Dave’s Dispatches
Read 2/5/2021 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By February 5, 2021
The Stark Difference Between Virus & Vaccine Math
It’s all in the numbers. The difference between virus and vaccine math is essential to understand the importance… Read More
By February 4, 2021
Snowstorms & Apple Watch Insanity
Almost three times as much snow has landed on Chicago the last 10 days than the rest of… Read More
By February 2, 2021
Wake Up Patient Safety in 2021
I’m on a patient safety rant, and I see no reason to stop now as we dive into… Read More
By January 5, 2021
The 10 Most-Read 4sight Health Articles for 2020
History forever will remember 2020 as the year that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the U.S. healthcare system to… Read More
By December 30, 2020
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