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Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, PPE and the Healthcare Supply Chain, 08/21/2020
PPE and the Healthcare Supply Chain Did we learn our lesson or are we going to make the… Read More
By August 21, 2020
Should We Regulate Healthcare Chatbots?
Should We Regulate Healthcare Chatbots?
Don’t bury the lede.  That journalism rule of thumb also applies in healthcare when you see your doctor…. Read More
By August 21, 2020
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4sight Friday | The Election and Healthcare | Physicians vs. Pharmacists | Failures of Integration
Read 08/14/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By August 14, 2020
Healthcare's Future After the Election
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Healthcare’s Future After the Election, 08/14/2020
Healthcare’s Future After the Election What does a Biden win mean for healthcare? What does a Trump win… Read More
By August 14, 2020
Primary-Care Physicians versus The World (Mostly Pharmacists, Really)
Primary-Care Physicians versus The World (Mostly Pharmacists, Really)
Everyone loves primary care. Everyone hates primary-care physicians. Well, maybe not everyone, but certainly the healthcare market and… Read More
By August 13, 2020
Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better for Patient Care When It Comes to Health Systems
Bigger Isn’t Necessarily Better for Patient Care When It Comes to Health Systems
I think we all can agree now that provider integration doesn’t lower healthcare prices. When hospitals buy or… Read More
By August 11, 2020
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4sight Friday | The Fate of Telemedicine | COVID-19 and Self Control | The Manager-Doctor
Read 08/07/2020 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight Health… Read More
By August 7, 2020
Is Telemedicine Headed Left or Right?
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Is Telemedicine Headed Left or Right?, 08/07/2020
Is Telemedicine Headed Left or Right? Listen to this week’s 4sight Friday Roundup podcast for what we think… Read More
By August 7, 2020
Let Doctors Be Doctors If You Want Them to Be Good Managers
Let Doctors Be Doctors If You Want Them to Be Good Managers
I know lots of doctors having covered healthcare now for nearly 40 years. One thing’s always puzzled me…. Read More
By August 7, 2020
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