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Digital Health Divergence
What providers want digital health tools to do, and what patients want digital health tools to do are… Read More
By March 5, 2020
The State of Our HLTH 2019: Hard Truths and Hope. A Post-Conference Report from HLTH 2019.
HLTH engaged 4sight Health to produce this exclusive post-conference report of the HLTH 2019 conference. HLTH gave 4sight… Read More
By March 4, 2020
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How Can Healthcare Avoid Screwing Up AI’s Potential?
“Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave? Dave, I really think I’m entitled to an answer to… Read More
By March 2, 2020
How Fee-for-Service Makes Doctors Choose Poorly
It’s not complicated. If you want doctors to stop performing or ordering low-value procedures and tests, stop paying… Read More
By February 27, 2020
Which Way Will the Private Equity Pendulum Swing for Patients?
Before your physician asks you at your next office visit what brought you in today, you may want… Read More
By February 19, 2020
Not on the Same Page
Well, maybe I jumped the gun and gave the healthcare industry too much credit for finally recognizing that… Read More
By February 13, 2020
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4sight Friday: J.P. Morgan Conference Report | An Epic Patient Data Failure | Having Fun with Healthcare Fraud
  Read 02/07/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By February 7, 2020
Fun with Fraud Numbers
I’ve watched enough crime movies and TV shows to know that the law enforcement character who talks tough… Read More
By February 5, 2020
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4sight Friday: The Outlook of Outlooks | Death by Merger | Fixing Medicare Advantage
  Read 01/31/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By January 31, 2020
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