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What’s Going to Happen in Healthcare in 2020—or Not: A Meta Review of Industry Outlooks
Maybe it’s because it’s a new decade. Maybe it’s because the year 2020 makes for easy vision analogies…. Read More
By January 28, 2020
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4sight Friday: Are Hospitals Listening to Patients? | Why Medicare for All Won’t Work | Veiled Threat from an EHR Vendor
  Read 01/24/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By January 24, 2020
A Sign That Health System Leaders Are Starting to Take Their Customers Seriously
As a highly skeptical healthcare business journalist, I tune my radar to look for dark clouds rather than… Read More
By January 22, 2020
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4sight Friday: Medicare Advantage Growing Pains | Injecting Healthcare Markets With Competition | Google Wants Your Patient Data
  Read 01/17/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By January 17, 2020
7 Ways States Can Save Consumers from Rising Healthcare Prices
Competition, regulation or both? Those are the choices facing states that want to make healthcare more affordable for… Read More
By January 17, 2020
Growing Pains or Warning Signs for Medicare Advantage?
The Medicare Advantage program turned 21 this month. Like all 21-year-olds with new-found freedoms and responsibilities, whether it… Read More
By January 14, 2020
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4sight Friday: 4 Ways to Relieve Margin Pressure | Digital Health Betting Favorites | Have We Reached Poll Tax Status?
  Read 01/10/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By January 10, 2020
What Digital Health Technologies Investors Are Betting On
As a business journalist, I hang out at the corner of “follow the money” and “actions speak louder… Read More
By January 8, 2020
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4sight Friday: Clinical Decision Support Lacking | Quality of Care at Acquired Hospitals | Private Equity and New Cancer Drugs
  Read 01/03/2020 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By January 3, 2020
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