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Spy vs. Spy? More Like Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage
If you follow my columns, blog posts and podcasts on, you know that I’m not much for… Read More
By March 6, 2024
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4sight Friday | March 1, 2024
4sight Friday | Wither Traditional Medicare? | Napping on Healthcare Fraud | Consumers on Affordability, Racism and Obesity… Read More
By March 1, 2024
Podcast: How Patients See Affordability, Racism and Obesity Drugs 2/29/24
Everyone wants to know what consumers think about healthcare, and we talked about what they think of three… Read More
By February 29, 2024
System Dynamics
Justice Department Sleeping at the Healthcare Fraud Wheel
In a 4sight Health blog post published last month, I said there were only two possible reasons why… Read More
By February 28, 2024
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4sight Friday | February 23, 2024
4sight Friday | What FTC Look at GPOs and Drug Distributors Will See | The Story of Year-End… Read More
By February 23, 2024
Podcast: FTC Tries to Open Black Box of Group Purchasing and Drug Distribution 2/22/24
Healthcare group purchasing and drug distribution are controlled by just a handful of GPOs and drug distributors. We… Read More
By February 22, 2024
Up the AI Without a Paddle
As governments, government agencies, lawmakers, technology companies, special interest groups and consumer watchdogs debate how to regulate healthcare… Read More
By February 21, 2024
Burda on Healthcare: Reading Between the Lines of Year-End Healthcare Merger and Acquisition Reports
Is the pace of merger and acquisition activity in an industry a sign of the industry’s health? I… Read More
By February 20, 2024
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4sight Friday | February 16, 2024
4sight Friday | Ramona Wallace, D.O., Watches What You Eat | Medicare Advantage Is Having More Than a… Read More
By February 16, 2024
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