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Patient Safety Made Simple
Some ideas are so simple yet so brilliant that your reaction is “why didn’t I think of that!”… Read More
By December 1, 2020
Healthcare’s Age of Liquid Data: Extreme Interoperability Sparks Personalized, Real-Time, High-Value Services
Key Takeaways Healthcare data is in solid form (i.e. fragmented, siloed) and needs to thaw so that it… Read More
By and May 28, 2020
The Next Moonshot: Moving to Reverse America’s Declining Life Expectancy
Meet Dr. Allen Weiss, veteran health system administrator, former AHA Board member, thought leader, healthcare revolutionary, and Chief Medical… Read More
By and March 12, 2020
Status Quo vs. Revolutionary Healthcare
As the presidential elections approach this year, each candidate is still struggling to convince the American people that… Read More
By February 21, 2020
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Podcast: Widen the Funnel and Close the Gaps: The Summit-CityMD Combo Sees “Big Apple” Opportunity through Integrated Care Delivery
Cain Brothers’ Managing Director, Carsten Beith; Warburg Pincus Managing Director, TJ Carella; and Summit Medical Group CEO, Dr…. Read More
By January 27, 2020
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What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Read This Year: The Top 5 Commentaries on for 2019
Here at 4sight Health, we like to call it like it is. We see and throw a flag… Read More
By December 19, 2019
From Fragmented to Coordinated: Cancer Care Solutions for Communities
Cancer is America’s second leading killer behind heart disease and accounts for one quarter of total U.S. deaths.[1]… Read More
By November 20, 2019
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What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Are Reading: The Top 5 4sight Health Commentaries Over the Past Six Months
4sight Health’s writers and authors have published 57 blog posts, commentaries, podcasts and videos on from January… Read More
By October 14, 2019
Geeking-Up Healthcare: Consumer Giant Best Buy Makes a Big Move
Healthcare has experienced a parade of surprising megamergers and acquisitions during the last year. At first glance, Best… Read More
By September 19, 2018
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