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Why Fee-for-Service Medicine is Bad for Your Health
The later in the day that you see your doctor you’re more likely to get the flu, get… Read More
By September 5, 2019
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Higher Practice Skill Mix May Not Be What the Doctor Ordered
“Practicing at the top of your license” and “upskilling your workforce”are two popular healthcare buzz phrases right now…. Read More
By August 29, 2019
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4sight Friday: Paying Doctors Less | Disconnecting Social and Healthcare Spending | Colonoscopy Commoditization
  Read 08/23/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By August 23, 2019
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Spend More. Pay More?
Everyone in healthcare is “all in” on a lot of things these days, and two things that are… Read More
By August 22, 2019
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4sight Friday: Healthcare Partnerships Get Creative | Time to Adapt or Die | Where Patients’ DNA Goes
  Read 08/16/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By August 16, 2019
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4sight Friday: Convenient Care Concerns | Healthcare’s Future Rulers | Staged Drug Market Competition
  Read 08/09/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By August 9, 2019
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Inconvenient Competition
When better customer service is a competitive threat, it really is time to rethink your business model.  That… Read More
By August 8, 2019
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Who Will Rule Healthcare in 2030?
What will healthcare be like 10 years from now? Not a lot of healthcare executives toiling in our… Read More
By August 6, 2019
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4sight Friday: Rethinking Patient Safety Solutions | Coverage Cost Casualties | Smart End-of-Life Decisions
  Read 08/02/2019 Edition here.  Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Read his columns… Read More
By August 2, 2019
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