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What Are Healthcare Executives Thinking? – Burda on Healthcare
I write a lot about what healthcare organizations and companies do, and I make educated guesses on why… Read More
By June 19, 2019
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States Foul-Tipping Regulatory Approaches to Control Healthcare Prices
A new Viewpoint in the Journal of the American Medical Association said states are trying, but largely failing,… Read More
By June 18, 2019
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Why Service Doesn’t Mean Services at Highly Rated Hospitals
What were you expecting, an ICU? A new study in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals that the hospitals patients… Read More
By June 13, 2019
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More on Why Employers Should Pay Attention to Behavioral Health
More on the what and the why of employers and behavioral health, and what both mean for remaking… Read More
By June 5, 2019
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Doctors and the Laws of Supply and Demand – Burda on Healthcare
It’s a great time to go to medical school and become a doctor. Ignore all the manufactured angst… Read More
By May 30, 2019
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Hitting a Wall on EHR Interoperability, Patient Access
You know that moment when you “hit the wall” when you’re running a marathon? I don’t. But, I’m… Read More
By May 29, 2019
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What Fish and Colonoscopies Have in Common
By now you know you should never order fish at a restaurant on a Monday. That’s because the… Read More
By May 23, 2019
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What Businesses Say They’re Doing About Their Employees’ Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health says 46.6 million adults suffered from some form of mental illness in… Read More
By May 16, 2019
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The Deep State of Physician Prescribing Patterns
And you thought changing patients’ health behaviors was going to be hard. Try changing physicians’ drug prescribing patterns…. Read More
By May 9, 2019
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