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Why Millennials May Be Pushing Us Off a Healthcare Cliff
I’m not sure that US millennials are going to have a happy ending when it comes to their… Read More
By May 2, 2019
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Death by Healthcare Knockoff
Knockoffs usually aren’t as good as the originals, whether they’re golf clubs, purses or pressure cookers. A new… Read More
By April 25, 2019
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This Is a Story About Where Healthcare Regulations Come From – Burda on Healthcare
Healthcare is one of the most if not the most regulated industry in the U.S. While its businesses… Read More
By April 23, 2019
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Culture Change Isn’t a Natural for Healthcare Organizations
“We must begin by asking it, ‘What is losing?’  Losing is a disease. As contagious as polio.  Losing… Read More
By April 18, 2019
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The Universal Patient Experience of Debilitating Healthcare Costs
The lack of affordable medical care isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon. It’s a serious problem across Europe, according… Read More
By April 11, 2019
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Patients’ Growing Appetite for New Outpatient Care Models
If you believe in the adage “follow the money,” it would lead you to telemedicine. Analyzing billions of… Read More
By April 4, 2019
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Opioid Variations and State Interventions
Like companies in any other industry, when providers misbehave, it opens the door to state regulation of their… Read More
By March 28, 2019
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Why Healthcare is Spinning Its VBR Wheels
It’s like preparing and serving a seven-course meal that your biggest customer ordered only to have the entire… Read More
By March 21, 2019
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The Strained Relationship Between Doctors and Patients – Burda on Healthcare
What if you walked into your doctor’s office and there was a sign hanging in the waiting room… Read More
By March 19, 2019
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