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Medicare Advantage Bends Cost Curve the Wrong Way
Everyone sees what they want to see in the latest figures on national health expenditures released by the… Read More
By January 2, 2019
The Slow Road to Value-Based Care
A new report is yet another sign that the march toward value-based care has bogged down. The Health… Read More
By December 26, 2018
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HHS Goes All In on Competition as the Way to Fix Healthcare Woes – Burda on Healthcare
Competition good. Regulation bad. That’s my caveman summary of HHS’ manifesto released on Dec. 3 on how to… Read More
By December 17, 2018
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Med Tech Bets on Value as Its Future Business Model
If you’re looking for a sign that we’re truly approaching a watershed moment in healthcare innovation, look no… Read More
By December 10, 2018
Want Better Cardiac Outcomes? Just Follow the Money
The line between financial incentives and clinical outcomes just got a little straighter. A new study says money… Read More
By December 4, 2018
Man or Corporate Culture: Who Has More Power to Disrupt Healthcare? – Burda on Healthcare
We’re at a branch point in healthcare’s evolution. We’ll learn soon whether disruptive innovation is the product of… Read More
By November 28, 2018
New Primary Care Provider, Same or Better Outcomes
Expanding the scope of practice for nurse practitioners and physician assistants may be a cost-effective way to manage… Read More
By November 27, 2018
New Primary-Care Provider, Same Old Price
Patient office visits to primary care physicians are down. Patient office visits to nurse practitioners and physician assistants… Read More
By November 19, 2018
Few On The Same Page When It Comes To The Value of Value-Based Reimbursement
Yet another report shows that fee-for-service medicine is hard to kill. This time the culprits are a lack… Read More
By November 13, 2018
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