February 26, 2021

David Burda
Podcast: 4sight Friday Roundup, Healthcare’s Incentives and Disincentives to Make Care More Affordable, 2/26/21
Healthcare’s Incentives and Disincentives to Make Care More Affordable
Competition? Transparency? Regulation? Reimbursement? We talked about what works and doesn’t work for healthcare customers on today’s episode of the 4sight Friday Roundup podcast.
David Burda interviews David Johnson and Julie Vaughan Murchinson about the week’s biggest news around market-based change.
- David Johnson is CEO of 4sight Health.
- Julie Vaughan Murchinson is Partner of Transformation Capital and former CEO of Health Evolution.
- David Burda is News Editor and Columnist of 4sight Health.
Click play below to listen to the 2/26/2021 Episode.