August 29, 2023

Revolutionaries Write for 4sight Health
Healthcare Revolutionaries Share Their POVs
4sight Health contributors have looked at ways healthcare is wrestling with itself, from finance to staffing to economic demands. 4sight Health gives healthcare revolutionaries a place to share their findings, predictions and solutions to make healthcare better for everyone.
Here’s the latest from 4sight Health writers, including Michael D. Connelly, Stephen K. Klasko, Ken Terry, Peter C. Brown, David Morlock and Wyatt Richie, as well as Jenny Watson, Brianna Zink, Jake Crampton, Kerry Weems, David B. Nash, Allen Weiss and Carladenise Edwards.
The Debt Ceiling and the Death of Fee for Service
4sight Health’s Kerry Weems looks at the fiscal realities of cutting the budget, and what it means for healthcare, Medicare and Social Security in the U.S. Read more.
Medicare and the Social Contract
President Biden’s plan to shore up Medicare might fail, but it is designed to bring all factions to the bargaining table to face the rapidly unfolding fiscal realities. Read more.
Still Time for a Healthcare Industry Revolution
In this two-part series, 4sight Health’s Allen Weiss looks at ways we can reinvent healthcare by improving both prevention and quality outcomes for patients. Part 1 | Part 2
Confessions of a Former Chief Strategy Officer
Been there, done that: Dr. Carladenise Edwards shares lessons from her experience as a three-time CSO. Her lessons include living with discomfort and the value of healthcare. Part 1 | Part 2
Code Red: Payment Complexity is the Root of All Healthcare Evils
In this two-part series, Michael D. Connelly describes the overly complex and counter-productive coding system healthcare uses to fund itself, and later outlines common-sense reforms to align service delivery with consumer needs. Part 1 | Part 2
Fundamental Healthcare Reform Doesn’t Require a Government Takeover
Fundamental health reform — including universal coverage — is possible without a government takeover or financial harm to key healthcare players. Read more.
Moving Behavioral Health into the 21st Century
4sight Health’s Peter C. Brown shares his take on how to integrate behavioral and physical health — two areas that have in the past mixed like oil and water. Read more.
Old Vs. New Medicine
David B. Nash shares this Market Corner Commentary with David W. Johnson and looks at how forward-thinking health systems are preparing clinicians to meet the demands of New Medicine. Read more.
Dental Care’s Massive Potential to Serve Disadvantaged Populations
Cain Brothers Director Jenny Watson writes with David W. Johnson on the benefits of dental health to overall community health. Read more.
The Way Healthcare is Working Isn’t Working
Infor’s Marcus Mossberguer and Brianna Zink take write with David W. Johnson on the urgent staffing issues and spiking costs affecting nursing in the U.S. Part 1 | Part 2
Delivery Failures and Nursing Burden
MedSpeed’s Jake Crampton cowrites with David W. Johnson in this two-part series that looks at ways healthcare is wrestling with major logistical and financial staffing challenges. Part 1 | Part 2