4-Minute 4sight

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Health Equity Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Each year on MLK Day, I reread Martin Luther King Jr’s powerful 1963 Letter from the Birmingham Jail…. Read More
By January 18, 2022
What Revolutionary Healthcare Leaders Are Consuming: The Top 7 on 4sighthealth.com Since Mid-2021
Below find the top-consumed 4sight Health content from the second half of 2021, from your favorite revolutionary healthcare… Read More
By January 4, 2022
System Dynamics
Deja Vu All Over Again: No In-Person JP Morgan Healthcare Conference
“Out of an abundance of caution and after careful consideration, we have decided to virtualize our 40th annual… Read More
By December 16, 2021
Blending Retailing and Healthcare Delivery: The Holiday Show and Song
Fusion is the art of blending two things together to create a single entity. Examples of fusion are… Read More
By December 9, 2021
Home Is Where the Hospital Is
My sister recently gave me a t-shirt that proclaims, “I speak in movie lines, song lyrics and sarcasm.”… Read More
By October 18, 2021
September 11th and the Importance of “Proving Negatives”
Here’s a thought experiment. Imagine if the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had enacted a regulation in the late… Read More
By September 14, 2021
Gaming Payment at the Healthcare Casino
In the classic movie drama “Casablanca,” cynical restaurateur Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) operates the rollicking Rick’s CafĂ© AmĂ©ricain… Read More
By September 7, 2021
Healthcare’s Dystopia: A Patient’s Lament
As a lifelong soccer fanatic, I’ve enjoyed Apple TV’s “Ted Lasso” more than any show in recent memory…. Read More
By August 12, 2021
Popular Patient Safety Stories
You can easily tell 4sight Health’s core philosophy. We live by six words: Outcomes Matter. Customers Count. Value… Read More
By August 10, 2021
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