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4sight Friday | October 20, 2023
CMMI, VBC and ROI | Empty Employer Healthcare Rhetoric | Playing With Hospital Tax-Exemption Data Read the 10/20/2023… Read More
By October 20, 2023
Can Data Finally Resolve the Great Hospital Tax Exemption Debate?
As a cub healthcare business reporter, I covered the first state and local challenges to tax exemptions for… Read More
By October 18, 2023
Do We Still Care About the Uninsured?
Were you better off in 2022 than you were in 2017? I was for a lot of reasons…. Read More
By September 27, 2023
Medicare Advantage Bait and Switch
I have one quid pro quo in my life: I won’t tell you what to do if you… Read More
By September 13, 2023
Passing Thoughts
Kerry Weems: September 8, 1956 – August 31, 2023 Obituary Jimmy Buffet: December 25, 1946 – September 1, 2023 Obituary… Read More
By September 7, 2023
The Primary Reason for Physician-Hospital Vertical Integration
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me tens of thousands of times over decades, shame on me…. Read More
By September 6, 2023
System Dynamics
Healthcare Cyberattacks: Real Money, Real Lives, Real Risks
I’ve never added up the time I spend each day fending off cyberattacks. Listening to and then deleting… Read More
By August 30, 2023
Make Your Own Patient Safety Murder Board!
I’ve said many times — each time based on credible evidence — that patient care in the U.S…. Read More
By August 2, 2023
A Health Insurance Dream for All
A month ago, 4sight Health published a blog post in which I questioned the wisdom of blindly preferring… Read More
By July 26, 2023
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