4-Minute 4sight

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4sight Friday | Only One Sure Winner in Medicare Drug Negotiations | 10 Things Doctors Say | Provider Health IT Priorities
Read the 10/21/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By October 21, 2022
Regulation > Competition > Price Transparency
I follow a lot of people online to do my job, and one of the best if not… Read More
By October 19, 2022
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4sight Health | Tough Love for Not-for-Profits | Great Resignation By the Numbers | Withering Access to Maternity Care
Read the 10/14/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By October 17, 2022
A “Great Resignation” Reality Check
In journalism, you’re told that if your mother tells you she loves you, check it out. In other… Read More
By October 12, 2022
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4sight Friday | Pizza, Productivity and Healthcare | Desensitized to the Census | The Uninsured and Underinsured
Read the 10/7/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By October 7, 2022
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System Dynamics
4sight Friday | The Pluck of Healthcare REITs | Busting Up the Healthcare Industrial Complex | Cybersecurity and Healthcare Innovation
Read the 9/30/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By September 30, 2022
Telemedicine Travels Well
Yes, it’s another sports analogy to describe a market phenomenon in healthcare. In sports, when we say, “defense… Read More
By September 28, 2022
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4sight Friday | Healthcare Crisis Du Jour | Where Doctors Are Going | Physician Burnout and Digital Health Tech | Is There Any Love for CFOs?
Read the 9/23/2022 Edition here. Curated by David Burda, 4sight Health’s news editor and columnist. Columns here. Find 4sight… Read More
By September 24, 2022
Does Anyone Like Their CFO?
No matter who I’m interviewing, no matter what the topic, and I ask them what the biggest obstacle… Read More
By September 21, 2022
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