Burda on Healthcare

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Burda on Healthcare: Dead Patient Walking
Butch Cassidy:   “What’s the matter with you?” Sundance Kid:   “I can’t swim!” Butch Cassidy:   “Are you crazy?… Read More
By October 31, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Employers Are Barking About Rising Healthcare Costs. Will They Ever Bite?
Every year in late summer and early fall, big benefits consulting firms and employer coalitions release the results… Read More
By October 17, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Calling a Physician Burnout Timeout
I have no doubt that a lot of physicians are burned out. So are a lot of nurses,… Read More
By September 19, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Ground Fresh Healthcare Chili Paste
If you’re a regular reader of my weekly blog posts or monthly columns for 4sight Health, you know… Read More
By August 15, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: No, It’s Your Turn to Throw Me Under the Healthcare Bus
Everyone knows what’s wrong with healthcare. Well-honed business practices by incumbent industry sectors and organizations make care less… Read More
By July 18, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Cry Poor and Prosper
If Compensation Is a Sign of an Industry’s Health, Healthcare Is Immortal. When I was a cub healthcare… Read More
By June 6, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Scared Healthy
We all know there is one, surefire patient safety strategy: Stay healthy so you never have to go… Read More
By April 27, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: Healthcare’s Failure to Communicate
On Aug. 24, 2022, I got my first in a series of two shingles vaccines. It’s something you… Read More
By March 30, 2023
Burda on Healthcare: When Healthcare Sends the Wrong Message
A recent story in the New York Times on hospitals and medical practices charging patients a fee when… Read More
By February 7, 2023
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