Burda on Healthcare

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Burda on Healthcare: What I Did on My Digital Health Vacation
I haven’t followed digital health as closely as I’d like over the past few months. I’ve been distracted… Read More
By July 12, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: Do You Speak Healthcare?
Every profession, industry and field of interest has its own language — a dictionary filled with words and… Read More
By June 21, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: 10 Things I Didn’t Know About Drugs and Drug Prices
I don’t know a lot about the pharmaceutical industry. Although I’ve been on the healthcare beat as a… Read More
By May 5, 2022
Don’t Hate Me Because I Love Prior Authorization
Healthcare providers, especially physicians, detest prior authorization requirements dictated by payers, especially health insurance companies. I totally get… Read More
By March 29, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: I’d Like Some Interoperability with My Value-Based Care, Please
I’ll admit it. I’m not a good cook. Oh, I can do the basics. Grill burgers. Roast a… Read More
By March 3, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: Provider, Know Thy Customer
I had what I consider my first real telemedicine visit with a doctor the other day. I didn’t… Read More
By February 1, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: Is Value-Based Reimbursement Mostly Dead or Slightly Alive?
One of my favorite scenes in The Princess Bride is when Miracle Max tells Inigo and Fezzik that… Read More
By January 6, 2022
Burda on Healthcare: Patient Stories from the Front Lines Tell of a Healthcare Capacity Problem
One of the great myths about the healthcare system in the U.S. is that anyone can see a… Read More
By December 14, 2021
Burda on Healthcare: Patients Are Telling You What They Want, But Are You Listening?
Patients are just like customers in any other industry. They want the same things. They want a good… Read More
By November 11, 2021
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